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Als Antwort auf 💙Charles ☭ Hutchins❤

they're masochists... this is a feature, not a bug, for them.

Apple is their high-priced dominatrix


Als Antwort auf Adam Gaskins


It ~may~ be the case that this is better for consumer-users. People who just want to look at websites, write documents and do garage band may enjoy not having to worry about anything.

Als Antwort auf 💙Charles ☭ Hutchins❤

That's a valid point, if it worked out that way in practice. In reality you'll find shiny apps that you like on the app store, then they disappear... you'll want to backup your photos and learn that it's almost impossible... you'll stop getting updates on perfectly viable hardware and be constantly reminded how you need to buy more more more apple. And these are just surface level low-tech user issues that are incredibly painful.