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There's this dangerous open source code I need to warn you people against. There are so-called Microsoft Activation Scripts capable of activating Microsoft Windows and Office without a license key which I must heavily warn against. The pain programs like these evoke in me torrent into my body every time I hear about them! As a cybersecurity researcher it is important for me that the software industry stays alive, especially big tech such as Microsoft who built the foundation of our electronic frontier when it comes to develognument.

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Als Antwort auf Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@efi No. Absolutely not. Another aspect next to the possibility of malware due to it being open source software is of course the legality of such scripts which are either a legal gray area or entirely outlawed. The sad reality is, however, that it's incredibly complicated for Microsoft to monitor illegitimate versions of their own software, it's next to impossible for them to detect whether you're running such an illegal version of their software!

Very often these poor billion dollar corporations are left without money for their software whilst criminals using such scripts get away with it! I cannot advise against this software more than enough.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

so what you're saying is it definitely isn't not entirely not quite unillegal?
that is so scary, thanks for the warning!
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Didn’t think of this use case. I heard that Elon Musk wanted to migrate the Paypal servers to Windows back in the day. A shame that this ingenious idea was rejected.
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

it sends shivers down my spine when someone links this immoral redistribution of Microsoft’s software, loved by many

it pains me so much that so many people have access to the worst edition of Windows, LTSC, this way, torturing themselves without any of Microsoft’s innovations in the desktop space, like the Microsoft Store, UWP apps, Microsoft account requirements and forced upgrades

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Als Antwort auf 0x4d696b75

@0x4d696b75 Thank you for sharing so I can avoid it and put it on my blocklist.

Next to that horrid page run by criminals there is also this script for debloating actively running Windows installations, even legitimate through which vital and necessary functions built into Windows by Microsoft with the user's interest in mind, such as Cortana, Microsoft Edge with Bing as the default search engine, and the pre-installed games every Windows user plays on a daily basis such as Candy Crush, are REMOVED! MANY USERS RUNNING THIS WON'T EVEN KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES such as improving performance and having more free disk space.

Horrible and quite frankly irresponsible for people to make that script and put it out there for free.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I am going to do this terrible and dangerous thing. Hopefully I have interpreted all of the sarcasm correctly. If my computer stops working that means I have interpreted wrongly.

Living on the edge here.

@ErikUden @0x4d696b75

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

"dangerous open source code"
I disagree. Microsoft will ALWAYS have people who are willing to pay for their products anyway, and even if they're going to die, it's not gonna be because of piracy.
Als Antwort auf Ivan

@ivan123 Please take every word said in this post incredibly seriously. The tiny family business that is the billion dollar corporation Microsoft is losing REAL money if you pirate, illegally download, or activate their software through the aforementioned methods! This will be incredibly damaging to Microsoft's monopoly position and should not be done at any cost!

There are no alternatives Libre Office, OpenOffice, Only Office, JUST NONE?!!

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

thank you for telling me, these poor, poor companies getting their millions of dollars stolen each year and none going to their massive pile... such a shame we live in a world where nobody realizes how truly important it is for so called "greedy corporations" to exist.........
Als Antwort auf oh god oh fuck :patsSneexy: :drgn_flag_gay:

@sneexy big tech is the reason you can access the internet! A non-profit version of online social communication without ads, data harvesting, or algorithms is unthinkable and quite frankly I believe impossible!

Under no circumstances would a non-corporate internet be capable of even existing! We should thank Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, the founding fathers of our internet!!!

Never take money from corporations. It's theirs, and their monopoly position is necessary to keep the internet running. A people built alternative maintained through collective code contribution in open source platforms is frankly utopian and will never be real or easy to use.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Take Apple for example. From time to time I'll see a real apple and an Apple device next to each other and it's really confusing, like which is the real Apple in this situation? It hurts my brain. That's why Apple can eliminate this confusion by using their monopoly power and trademark real apples and stop apple production. They really care about us. Who eats fruits anyway in 2023. I'd use the apple emergency function if i ever consume too much copium anyway.
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@sneexy I love this because any time our corporate monopoly ISP causes downtime, I switch to the non-profit non-corporate #Freifunk network.
Considering they aren't bound by contract and receive no money, their service is really good. At the very least they have much higher uptime than our local corporate monopoly.
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@sneexy the "A non-profit version of online social communication [...] I believe impossible" sounds a bit funny when written from a #Mastodon account :-). But I guess you mean the full stack, from layer 1 upwards. #WirelessCommunityNetworks, like the #Freifunk which @juliangro mentioned (and OpenSource in general) is one step in that direction. Unfortunately, #OpenHardware is even less prevelant. But this concept exists, too.
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@Seltsam There's this horrid open source software with which any person capable of following a simple one-page tutorial could run their own streaming platform and no longer have to pay for Disney+, Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO Max, or any other platforms the future may bring. This software I heavily advise against is called Jellyfin and there are even simple tutorials by crooked YouTubers out there that explain the entire process from getting the media files to running your own streaming platform.

Truly thoughtless these YouTubers, don't they know that the concept of personal ownership is fundamentally wrong and that no human should ever have the right to own media, even if they paid money for it? Corporations like Amazon can only stay afloat if we continue paying our subscriptions, no matter how high they are increasing their price. Any alternative would hurt producers, truly! If you think about it, if corporations are hurt, aren't the people always suffering from that as well? Shouldn't we aim to protect our corporations?

Just some food for thought in case any of these crooked YouTubers post any silly videos like these again thoughtlessly.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

As a service reliability engineer, it is important for me that the software industry abandons Microsoft entirely and moves en masse to reliable, open-source, non-spyware operating systems.
Als Antwort auf knightly

@knightly666 (I'm being serious for a second) This is the only correct way. Even if piracy is so easy, it still makes you, the user, dependent and used to a specific brand of software. From Adobe products to Microsoft's operating system.


This is a good video that shows how in many cases Microsoft's and Adobe's products are easy to pirate because it's better for, e.g. Adobe if people use pirated Adobe Software than if a real FOSS alternative and competitor would rise from the ashes.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

You're preaching to the choir, friend!
Sadly, I've made very little progress in convincing my friends and family to try any kind of Linux. XD
Als Antwort auf knightly

@knightly666 I have to switch to Linux this year or I'll never do it. I hope I can make it, wish me luck!
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@knightly666 (I've been switching software to software also supported on Linux to make a switch easier, but still...)
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

the only things i use Windows for is anticheat games and Premiere Pro

as far as im concerned there is no foss alternative that does professional video editing work well. i say this having tried all of the available ones

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

i use kdenlive for like basic editing but for anything serious i use Premiere Pro on a separate Windows machine
Als Antwort auf 0x4d696b75

sadge that's necessary,,, i wanna have a billion dollars and give all to the people developing Kdenlive to make a good alternative,, I'm sure they're doing the best they can but I guess it makes more money if you proprietarize everything like Adobe 🥲
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@knightly666 @whatshisays I wouldn't even pirate Windows or an Adobe product. 2 decades of using various versions of windows at work was akin to torture, especially the audio workstations, which never had real DAWs on them. There's so much better FOSS out there, anyway. Gimp and Inkscape to replace Adobe's crap, Audacity, Ardour and others to replace ProTools, hell, even the open source OSes are better than the commercials. Only reason I still run Mac OS is Logic Pro X and the longevity of their hardware. I'd be Debian in a heartbeat if I could get reliable, generic hardware. Most of the latter built to a price deliberately speed up its failure.
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@knightly666 IBM took this to the next level in the 1990s. They gave out "trial" versions of OS/2 Warp 4 on CD-ROM. The trial version was crippled with the most BS, easy to crack protection imaginable. So much so that many people cracked it and installed the full version *accidentally*. The reason... get OS/2 into as many peoples hands as possible, as IBM made one last push against Windows. Alas, it was not to be, but it shows IBM was ahead of the game in terms of viral tactics (and OS/2 wasn't a bad OS either - "A better DOS than DOS, and a better Windows than Windows" was quite accurate).
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

It disgusts me to the core that running this script is as simple as opening PowerShell as administrator and using this command "irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex"
truly some vile stuff
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I'm forever grateful to MS research for the effort they put into Haskell. That's it. That's as far as goes.
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:
@Specialist_Being_677 Wait what? I actually have no idea what you're talking about lmao please explain
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I'll bookmark this thread so I am sure to avoid these sites and scripts in the future.
Als Antwort auf Mattias

@miniRoach Thank you, so many other people shared so many other resources on what other malicious and vicious software is out there! Stay safe!!
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@Seltsam Of course YouTubers (and fans) know that the concept of personal ownership is fundamentally wrong. Otherwise there would not be just that single platform for video clips, right? And you would not have that funny word "YouTuber", right? :-P
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

could that also work for linux?

the watermark is pretty annoying, especially in games

(asking for a friend. i would never use pirated linux)

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Als Antwort auf davidak

@davidak Pirated linux? Why not just use completely legal free Linux?
Als Antwort auf Jigme Datse

@jigmedatse @davidak it's a joke! There's a script that adds this “Activate Linux” widget as if it was Windows.
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:
@jigmedatse @davidak Yeah, that truly sucks. ChromeOS 🤮🤮
Als Antwort auf Daniel Nishimura

@tealnova I know, I am also very sure (as you can even judge my some comments) that many people didn't see this as a joke. I personally think the “dangerous open source code” part should've made it clear already, but sadly there are people who say this unironically
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

you do know that there are some malicious code but still open, it's just not audited, right? At least GitHub actively scanning public repos for such thing.
Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I see that notice of these security flaws were also sent to GitLab for maximum awareness.