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Have you taken The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz? Find out where you fit in the new political map. #politics #uspol #Quiz #fun(A) for AGREE (M) for MAYBE or UNSURE or SOME CHANGE (D) for DISAGREE

Politics Feed hat dies geteilt.

The late David Nolan was the founder of the #Libertarian Party and I'm disappointed to never have known him as a friend. We didn't achieve liberty in his lifetime, let us not give up achieving it in ours. #GenZ #millennial #freedom #btc #nostr #politics #uspol

"Taxation is theft, conscription is slavery, and war is the health of the state.” The founding […]

“Taxation is theft, conscription is slavery, and war is the health of the state.” The founding purpose of the Libertarian Party is not to win the presidential election. The founding purpose of the LP is to be uncompromising in the libertarian message, to be an instrument for social change, and to shift the Overton window.