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During the debate, Trump and Biden argued about their golf game like it’s the top issue for Americans. Guess what? All those years of practice only got them the nuclear codes!
Now, you too can join the “Nuclear Codes Golf Club” with our hilarious t-shirt. On sale now—swing into style and grab yours today!


Today’s America is much different than it was even 4 years ago, let alone 4 decades.

Had an amazing night in Houston where I got to meet many wonderful Lone Star Libertarians and make my case for why liberty is on the rise in 2024.

Chase Oliver For President hat dies geteilt

A Presidential Candidate Who Believes in Economic and Personal Freedom: Chase Oliver

Everyone’s talking about Trump or Biden in the 2024 presidential race.

But did you know there’s another candidate—one who doesn’t want war, tariffs, or welfare?

To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: https://www.johnstossel.com/#subscribe

Chase Oliver is the new presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.

I’ve discovered, to my sadness, most people don’t even know what a libertarian is.

So I ask Oliver, “What’s a libertarian?”

“Someone that allows you to live your life in peace, free from government intrusion. If you're not harming anyone, your life is your life, your body's your body, and your business is your business!"

I like the sound of that. But what exactly would a libertarian president do?

Watch the above video to find out.

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While Joe Biden’s sometimes contradictory immigration stances seem more about political expediency than well-thought-out policies, Libertarian Chase Oliver has consistently called for an Ellis Island-style system.

“There are few better examples of bad government than the current overly complex laws and regulations involving immigration,” says Oliver, 38, the Libertarian candidate for President ]Oliver will defend his immigration stances on the ZeroHedge Debate on Wednesday, June 26, from 7-8 p.m. EST. Oliver will pair with Robby Soave (Reason, The Hill) for the pro-immigration viewpoint, while Jack Posobiec and Ryan Gidursky will argue against it; Ryan Grim (The Intercept) will moderate.

Our cruel immigration system can be counted on for one thing: Every four years - for longer than Oliver has been alive - presidential candidates have called for urgent immigration reform. Democrats run on immigration reform by appealing to your empathy, while Republicans run on immigration reform by appealing to your fear and sense of self-preservation. Regardless of who’s singing, the song remains the same. The new verse is a mash-up, with the Biden administration singing both parts of a discordant duet.

On June 4, the Biden Administration again got tough on borders, much to the continued chagrin of his progressive base. Then Tuesday, June 18 - two weeks later - he’s throwing them a bone. Biden is promising that maybe undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens can someday gain a green card, and then, eventually, citizenship without having to first leave the country and suffer an up to 10-year waiting period akin to a moratorium.The process, essentially an eight-year path to citizenship, is called “parole in place.”

It’s the same terminology used for a convicted criminal who is released early from their adjudicated sentence, kept under the watchful eye of the government, lest they re-offend. It’s a fair trade-off for early release from prison, but a slap in the face to those who aren’t convicted criminals.

“Most Americans are shocked to learn that families have not had legal protections up until now,” says Mike ter Maat, Oliver’s running mate.

Any remediation of harm caused by our broken immigration system is a step in the right direction. But in no world should we feel satisfied. Certain changes to policy must still get past legal challenges that will likely be coming from Republican-led states, ultimately ending up in front of the Supreme Court.

Oliver says it’s time for a change. It shouldn’t take eight years. It shouldn’t take eight months. We should not treat those who positively contribute to our society as common criminals.

Oliver became the first Libertarian presidential candidate to campaign in all 50 states, and is the only candidate in the 2024 field to do so.

Oliver and ter Maat were nominated as the presidential ticket at the Libertarian National Convention on Memorial Day weekend.

GMcGath hat dies geteilt.

Inhaltswarnung: CNN debate exclusion even worse than Old Debate Comission

Chase Oliver For President hat dies geteilt

Chase Oliver for President liberty is doing what you want

Chase Oliver Libertarian for President at Pride Parade trekking is that liberty is for everyone not just those you agree with.
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Do you support individual #liberty and personal #responsibility?

Then get involved in the campaign. Something for everyone. Phone banking, text banking, door knocking, petitioning, Writing, and Social Media


Have you taken The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz? Find out where you fit in the new political map. #politics #uspol #Quiz #fun(A) for AGREE (M) for MAYBE or UNSURE or SOME CHANGE (D) for DISAGREE

Politics Feed hat dies geteilt.

The most local governance is that of self-governance. Libertarians want to take power out of the hands of the central planners and return that power to every individual so they may live in peace as they see fit.

This means that without a doubt, there will be people who go about their life in ways you disapprove of, and that's okay. Freedom is the condition for diversity of thought, expression, and values.

Freedom isn't having the world operate just the way you want it.

Freedom is you living your life the way you want in a world full of others doing the same.

The most fundamental property right is an individual’s right to own and control their own body. All individuals have the right to determine their own health care needs and treatment. Exercise of this right does not remove the moral obligations not to violate the rights of others. We recognize the state, when it exists, has a duty to protect the rights of others, particularly those in society who are the most vulnerable, including the very old, the very young, and the mentally handicapped. The state, where it exists, does have a duty to protect the life of all individuals, and should prosecute those who utilize force or fraud to end life.#Libertarian
#platform #elections #USpol #abortion


Women's Voices Feed hat dies geteilt.

We’re seeing a turn around in Argentina, and I believe it’ll continue to rise over the next ten years if they continue on the path of free markets and market relationships as opposed to embracing authoritarian socialism and government central planning. #ChaseForLiberty on C-Span

Chase Oliver - We’re seeing a turn around in Argentina, and I believe it’ll continue to rise over the next ten years

We’re seeing a turn around in Argentina, and I believe it’ll continue to rise over the next ten years if they continue on the path of free markets and market relationships as opposed to embracing authoritarian socialism and government central planning.

The Oliver/ter Maat campaign supports inclusive debates.

Mike and I are not "presumptive nominees." We are the Libertarian ticket and should be on the debate stage.

Open and inclusive discourse is what America wants to see. CNN should think about actually airing a debate viewers want.

nitter screenshot from @MarioNawfal@twitter.com showing FEC discussion regarding presumptive nominees and CNN needing to rethink excluding independent and third party candidates. Clicking image will bring you to nitter post on xcancel

The late David Nolan was the founder of the #Libertarian Party and I'm disappointed to never have known him as a friend. We didn't achieve liberty in his lifetime, let us not give up achieving it in ours. #GenZ #millennial #freedom #btc #nostr #politics #uspol

"Taxation is theft, conscription is slavery, and war is the health of the state.” The founding […]

“Taxation is theft, conscription is slavery, and war is the health of the state.” The founding purpose of the Libertarian Party is not to win the presidential election. The founding purpose of the LP is to be uncompromising in the libertarian message, to be an instrument for social change, and to shift the Overton window.

Chase Oliver For President hat dies geteilt

We support digital currency, but the government should get out of the way and let the market decide on Bitcoin or some other means of exchange. CBDC is all of the downsides, with none of the upsides of Crypto https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/crypto/us-government-digital-currency-rcna19248

Contrary to the propaganda from the GOP, Trump was not a peace president.

There have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a UK-based think tank.

Chase Oliver For President hat dies geteilt

Chase Oliver morns Passing of Giant of Liberty Movement David Boaz

The liberty movement lost one of its foundational voices when David Boaz passed, one that clearly observed how past actions stomped through the present.

“History is not a bunch of new things. It's one damn thing, over and over,” Boaz said in a Reason interview this past March.

Chase Oliver remembers Boaz, longtime Vice President of the Cato Institute, as a communicator who broke down Libertarianism in ways that people could readily understand.“David Boaz was - and always will be - someone who I think of when I list the giants of the movement for human liberty,” says Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “His legacy and memory is one I will carry with me always.”

Boaz died Friday, June 7 after a long battle with cancer. He was 70.

Boaz had been editor of New Guard and on the Council for a Competitive Economy when he was tapped in 1981 to join the Cato Institute, which had been founded 4 years before. He spent the rest of his career at Cato.

“So the idea was to set up a think tank that was neither liberal or conservative, and put a libertarian ideas on the policy map as well as the pure theory map,” Boaz said in a Reason interview called Libertarianism: The Intellectual Core of Liberalism in March.

He identified three big influences throughout the ‘70s: Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation. He became an authority on domestic issues - what he called “the same issues over and over.”

“For Cato, the original agenda was: ‘Well, we're going to take on Social Security, the linchpin of the welfare state. We're going to take on school choice, which underlies so many problems. And we're going to take on the foreign interventionist state,’ ” Boaz said in the Reason interview.

His books include The Libertarian Mind (previously called Libertarianism: A Primer), Politics of Freedom, and Cato Handbook for Policy Makers.

Boaz will continue to inspire Oliver in his candidacy and activism.

“David Boaz understood how to positively sell our brand to the average American who needs to hear about the power of free markets, voluntary exchange,” Oliver says, “and the power that comes from allowing others to live in peace alongside you, even if they enjoy freedom differently than you or I would choose.”


Chase Oliver For President hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Chase Oliver for President

Boaz was one of the first figures I grew up following after converting to libertarianism. I always appreciated his down-to-earth nature when he hosted lectures in the older Hayek Auditorium. One of my favorite moments was when he tried to follow Daniel Hannan's rendition of a Southern accent.

RIP, Mr. Boaz.

[color="transparent"]ATLANTA - The liberty movement lost one of its foundational voices when David Boaz passed, one that clearly observed how past actions stomped through the present.[/color]

[color="#ffffff"]“History is not a bunch of new things. It's one damn thing, over and over,” [/color][color="#ffffff"]Boaz said in a Reason interview this past March. [/color]

[color="transparent"]Chase Oliver remembers Boaz, longtime Vice President of the Cato Institute, as a communicator who broke down Libertarianism in ways that people could readily understand.“David Boaz was - and always will be - someone who I think of when I list the giants of the movement for human liberty,” says Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “His legacy and memory is one I will carry with me always.” [/color]

[color="transparent"]Boaz died Friday, June 7 after a long battle with cancer. He was 70.[/color]

[color="transparent"]Boaz had been editor of [/color][color="transparent"]New Guard[/color][color="transparent"] and on the Council for a Competitive Economy when he was tapped in 1981 to join the Cato Institute, which had been founded 4 years before. He spent the rest of his career at Cato.[/color]

[color="transparent"]“So the idea was to set up a think tank that was neither liberal or conservative, and put a libertarian ideas on the policy map as well as the pure theory map,” Boaz said in a Reason interview called Libertarianism: The Intellectual Core of Liberalism in March.[/color]

[color="transparent"]He identified three big influences throughout the ‘70s: Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation. He became an authority on domestic issues - what he called “t[/color][color="#ffffff"]he same issues over and over.”[/color]

[color="#ffffff"]“For Cato, the original agenda was: ‘Well, we're going to take on Social Security, the linchpin of the welfare state. We're going to take on school choice, which underlies so many problems. And we're going to take on the foreign interventionist state,’ ” [/color][color="#ffffff"]Boaz said in the Reason interview. [/color]

[color="#ffffff"]His books include [/color][color="#ffffff"]The Libertarian Mind [/color][color="#ffffff"](previously called [/color][color="#ffffff"]Libertarianism: A Primer), Politics of Freedom, [/color][color="#ffffff"]and [/color][color="#ffffff"]Cato Handbook for Policy Makers.[/color]

[color="transparent"]Boaz will continue to inspire Oliver in his candidacy and activism.[/color]

[color="transparent"]“David Boaz understood how to positively sell our brand to the average American who needs to hear about the power of free markets, voluntary exchange,” Oliver says, “and the power that comes from allowing others to live in peace alongside you, even if they enjoy freedom differently than you or I would choose.”[/color]

I sat down with Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Chase Oliver @ at the Convention for a chinwag about his nomination; his anti-war activism; and how to convince our fellow youth that socialism isn't the answer - I also convinced him to follow my Aussie footy team @CarltonFC!

[color="transparent"]ATLANTA - Chase Oliver describes Joe Biden’s sudden interest in immigration policy as politics over substance, and his asylum restrictions go in the wrong direction.[/color]

[color="transparent"]Monday’s announcement reestablishes inhumane restrictions that echo Trump’s policies, including Biden’s unmanageable limits on asylum. The new policy offers exceptions for unaccompanied minors, victims of trafficking, and those facing medical and safety threats. The American Civil Liberties Union immediately promised a lawsuit, as the policy walks back U.S. legal obligations to asylum seekers. [/color]


[color="transparent"]Oliver agrees that Biden’s politically motivated policies cruelly target people whose crime is wanting a better life - just like the 12 million people who came through Ellis Island, including some of his ancestors.[/color]

[color="transparent"]Oliver became the first Libertarian presidential candidate to campaign in all 50 states, and is the only candidate in the 2024 field to do so. [/color]

[color="transparent"]Learn more at [/color][color="transparent"]www.votechaseoliver.com[/color]

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I will be consistent in my support of the 2nd Amendment and the need for real justice reform. I think it's unethical and wrong to force former President Trump to give up his personal firearms because he was convicted of a nonviolent felony.


"If I don't win, we're still building up a mechanism that can grow a foundation for the future."

@, Libertarian presidential nominee, joins @_brittanylewis on "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss the 2024 presidential race.

Within less than a week, this clip has had 23.7 million views, been bookmarked by 283K people or more by the time I share this post, and the audios been even used over 1,000 times.

I knew when I answered honestly about the prospect of Trump vs Biden that people would agree with my assessment. I wasn’t prepared for how quickly that message would spread across tiktok to millions of potential voters, most of which are Gen Z. I’m going to keep being honest, and I think young voters will continue to respond to that authenticity.


.@ Discusses How to Address the Concerns of College Kids and Young People in America