MV Louise Michel mastodon (AP)

The platform provides independent information to people on the move that are helpful for arriving in Europe. informs e.g. about asylum procedures, first reception centers, work, deportation and where you can get legal support.

No borders, no nation, spread information!

#humanrightsforall #freedomofmovement



Ocio Andino mastodon (AP)
La apariencia del diario el Espectador de Colombia es la del decoro y la elegancia, pero lo que transmiten sus letras es desidia y fascismo. Los medios liberales no soportan al pueblo. Ojalá los directores del Espectador se fueran a ver el Titanic.

Bic Müller  birdsitelive (AP)

Eu fico entre “carai, não é possível que eles não viram o tanto que a gente se f0deu” e “bom, deixa eles né gente? O que podemos fazer pra ajudar é viajar bastante pra lá pq vai estar cada vez mais barato 😇😇😇”

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El #transporte público debió siempre ser gratis, mejor, pago por el perezoso #capitalista que quiere su #trabajo a tiempo, pago por el capitalista para compensar la huella de cárbono que genera el movimiento con acordeones contaminantes. Los capitalistas tienen toda la culpa de que nuestras #ciudades sean grises y estén llenas de hollin.


German mastodon (AP)
Shaponos, arquitectura Yanomami de la amazonia venezolana.
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Kris mastodon (AP)

By Amy Giacomelli ©

#art #cats #caturday #CatsOfMastodon

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Bom dia, esquerdistas safados
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Joyce :tardis: :Ryyca: Private Nachricht mastodon (AP)
@maabilio tô boa também

Nadie es ilegal.
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Só vou sair de casa agora aqui nos EUA com essa blusa.

A tradução da frase significa: “Ninguém é ilegal em terra roubada”

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" the least suggestion that you may be about to being a counter-argument in my defense, the anger or the frustration of the assailant will be driven deeper. You will do no good to the detractor by mistakenly beginning a logical defense. You will drive the hatred or the fear or the prejudice deeper. You will do no good to yourself, for you will only expose your own feelings - I take for granted that you have deep feelings about my discoveries, or you would not be here. You will do no good to me and my work, for antagonism, once taking hold, cannot be rooted out from above the surface, and it thrives, in a way, on heated argument and digs in deeper. The only way to extract the fear prejudice would be from within, from below, and as naturally this type of prejudiced or frightened mind would dodge any hint of a suggestion of psychoanalytic treatment or even, put it, study and research along these lines, you cannot get to the root of the trouble." (Tribute to #Freud, 86) #psychoanalysis

Mr Spock 🖖 mastodon (AP)
"We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
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Once libraries are nonexistent any modern fascist movement wouldn't even have to burn books, but flick one switch and they'd be remotely deleted from your Amazon Kindle or similar digital “library”.

Capitalists are already building the infrastructure to do this through DRM, so stop believing tech is apolitical - the defunding of libraries and paywalling of information are all part of this. :trantifa:

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paul mastodon (AP)
“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.”
― Assata Shakur
ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
Again I say "piracy is curation" and furthermore I encourage everyone to practice hyperlocal data archiving of the sort that can't be deleted remotely. Make the bastards go door to door with guns and dogs and metal detectors.

Mauthausen-Gusen pleroma (AP)
Nazis de la OTAN utilizaron municiones de fósforo en la dirección de Zaporozhie

A Season of Saturn

Image Credit & Copyright: Andy Casely #APOD

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Si usted ve el logo de #corficolombiana o de grupo #aval, no compre, escupa, acuerdese del robo continuado del hampa banquera a su bolsillo.
neuer älter