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firefox alternative?

I'm struggling with finding an alternative web browser for #linux . So far I tried #Web (formerly known as #Epiphany), #Eolie, #Pale Moon, #Otter-Browser and #Falcon. None of them is as fast or stable as #firefox. Some have really annoying bugs.

Is there actually any need to ditch #Firefox? It's #Open-Source so it should be good enough, no?
Als Antwort auf Torsten

Gern geschehen. Les dazu mal die Beurteilung von Mike Kuketz https://www.kuketz-blog.de/librewolf-datensendeverhalten-desktop-version-browser-check-teil8/
Er hat über 20 Browser getestet und andere sind auch ganz gut. Ich verwende LibreWolfhier - vorallem weil alle PlugIns für Firefox funktionieren.
Als Antwort auf Torsten

@Torsten better than opensource ? Libre/free and open source :) ! Like Icecat.
Als Antwort auf Torsten

It depends his much ideology is important and how much usability you want to lose due to that.

I believe Firefox is the best alternative still, disconnecting you from big MAGFA ( or FAGMA) complex.

If you intention is to fight survivalence industry, fragmenting your private data between as many participants as you can nsy be considered as valuable strategy.