"Al darse transformaciones de la distribución se dan cam­bios en la producción en el caso, p. ej., de la concentración del capital o de una distinta distribución de la población en la ciudad y en el campo, etc. Finalmente, las necesidades del consumo determinan la producción. Entre los diferentes mo­mentos tiene lugar una acción recíproca. Esto ocurre siempre en todos los conjuntos orgánicos." #Marx - Grundrisse
Fede akkoma (AP)

Los "manuscritos" tienen una vigencia horrible...

Hermoso material. De lo que más disfruto de Marx.

1 1
Creo que debemos tener por muy positivo el hecho de que una frase de hace tanto tiempo nos haya mostrado manifiestamente a una pandilla de nazis. Bien por #Marx ahí.
At least I am not a lazy scumbag that only know to stammer in english.
😂 1
haha learn how to express yourself first, or you will be an internet rat the rest of your life time.
Grumblesock pleroma (AP)
I express myself with absolute clarity, faggot. Internet rat I may be but I'm not a paedophilic brown arse bandit so stand above you by every metric.
2 😆 1
Christi Junior pleroma (AP)
Hey there maricon, I know lots of slurs in various languages! :meru_offended:
4 🔥 1
Waldbrand pleroma (AP)
@ChristiJuniorI can speak another language too: Sprich Deutsch du Spanischer Hurensohn.
1 2 🧐 1

@ChristiJuniorI could read Marx in the original.

But I am not going to...

🥂 1
Poor ignorant, the many things and info that you lost...
@ChristiJuniorI read much better books than you, faggot.
🧐 1
SuperOsakaFriend pleroma (AP)

Marx arde en el infierno. Deja de ser un weenie comunista, arrepiéntete de tus pecados y vuélvete a Jesucristo.

>Aprende de verdad mi idioma y deja de usar DeepL chud

ALERT: Take care with this one in particular, it is NAZI.
2 1
haberdasher pleroma (AP)
> no, not "NIGGER" -- the other 'N-WORD' (the one that is completely limpdick and powerless)
To be racist is like to be inferior from the rest of the humans. Think about that.
haberdasher pleroma (AP)

@ChristiJuniorI wonder how mentally crippled some shitskin has to be to actually believe that.

You're using technology created by the White man, BTW.

Christi Junior akkoma (AP)
@haberdasher You're literally better off having your city nuked than having it be filled with niggers.
4 💥 1
Uninformed supremacist here, block'em
haberdasher pleroma (AP)

@ChristiJuniorBlocking is such a curious shitskin behavior

On one hand, you inferiors demand access to White people and all the advancements that White people have brought to humanity (i.e. other White people)

But on the other hand, you deliberately remove your own access to White people when faced with the undeniable reality of your own collective inferiority.
> and you do it thinking White people will suffer for it, as if we need you around

4 3 🥂 2
hahaha poor "white people", assaulting people and making war in the name of freedom. Go and cry in your toilet paper mountains gringo.
uh, another one nazi, how many more? block 'em all...
1 1
Senator_Armstrong pleroma (AP)
How dare you criticize the jewish genetic immigration laws of israel? They must be inferior for having such policies huh
😆 1
Oh no, el spam de los incels septuagenarios ignorantes de la hispanidad han aterrizado. A volar ratas bonehead.
salty_apollyon pleroma (AP)
haber mamón bajate de tu nube o yo te bajo a pedradas
@rlier23 soy el incelio, jajajajajajajajajajajaja subca pedofilio pendejo puto
salty_apollyon pleroma (AP)
@lina todo comunista debería ser exiliado de su país y encerrado en Venezuela de por vida
@rlier23 si señor, todos pendejo pedofilios merecen la muerte
@rlier23 also isn't it pretty cool how in both spanish and russian "death" is female?
@rlier23 plenty of similar words, like "etapa" and "этап"
haha this is the spam that some incels do when they don't know how to talk to a woman, or when they think they are winning against sexual diversity.
1 1
Grumblesock pleroma (AP)

'Sexual diversity'? you are paedo and deserving of the noose. The women here that we speak with frequently will tell you this also because you and your ilk are just that vile.

Into the chipper you go, spic faggot.

5 🔥 4
Man, you have your brain totally washed, it is better to take a book, to read some time, and not to post bad gifs in the internet.
😆 1
Christi Junior pleroma (AP)
@Grumblesock I recommend The Camp of the Saints.
2 1
No thanks, Nazis will never be heard.
1 😆 1
Christi Junior akkoma (AP)
@Grumblesock You're signal boosting us right now, you retard.
3 1
haha in the end of the internet, wow, in fact you are boosting me now. #Boost for #Marx.
ALERT: Filthy NAZI here, take care fediverse.
2 😆 2
@Grumblesock @ChristiJunior Take care fediverse? I think you are the one that should take care, brother. Just wait until the Führer @Gargron finds out that you are shittalking Nazis on his platform :pepe_laugh:
3 🔥 5
🤣 1
The Orange pleroma (AP)

@ChristiJunior @Grumblesock WATCH OUT 4 NAHTZEES

subtitle: A Children's Guide to Online Political Discourse

Grumblesock pleroma (AP)

A marx worshipping spic that spews every tedious trendy talking point refers to me as 'brainwashed' 😂. Amusing retarded little mongrel.

I have three books on the go currently but they don't give kids instructions on how to chop their dicks and breasts off whilst recommend homosexuality or communism, therefore they would be well above the understanding of a brownoid faggot such as yourself. With that in mind you can leave the glib chatter about literature to one side and get on with killing yourself..

4 1
So #Marx bring to you a fixation so you link this fixation with bad and stupid anime gifs that help to you with your social anxiety? It could be a problem of #capitalism
Grumblesock pleroma (AP)

I don't get what you mean by 'fixation' here but Marx was an anti-white kike, a trait you have in common. I cheerfully took the time to go piss on his grave up in Highgate cemetery.

I experience no social anxiety, a projection, perhaps, from an inferior spic goblin that simply wants to parasitize. Your opinion of the gifs means less than nothing, that they are pertinent is all that matters. Here have another, it contains both sage advice and a cat, therefore is the best form of gif, you don't have to like it.

Ardainian Right akkoma (AP)
I personally like the book where all the gays tried to rape angels and got killed by hellfire raining from the sky.
2 🔥 1
Tyler pleroma (AP)

My brain with washed with the cleansing blood of Christ.

Your brain is defiled with excrement.

1 1
Christi Junior pleroma (AP)
That's a good little NPC.
4 😆 4
Your clown nazism demonstrate the absence of intelligence.
Christi Junior pleroma (AP)

Hey nigger, my DRC account has yet to score any new blocks despite your whining, do you really not have any friends at all?

The children you rape don't count btw.

Ardainian Right akkoma (AP)
@ChristiJunior You don't have the mental or spiritual capacity to even begin to comprehend the nature of higher things.
1 🔥 1
: The way a Nazi says he disagrees with someone.
Ardainian Right akkoma (AP)
@ChristiJunior A prisoner in the cave when the tiniest bit of light shines in: "Nooo!!! Not the Nazis!!!"
1 😆 1
Shut the fuck up zogbot
3 🔥 1
In fact I like all the tears that a single sentence could bring to a community of bonehead incels. #Marx #fascistburnedass
Christi Junior akkoma (AP)
@locagainstwall Hey faggot, are you by any chance aware of how actual communists used to deal with "sexual diversity"? :smug1:
1 🥂 3

@locagainstwallDon't know much about fascism, but I'm pretty sure the average and even below average guy could have a family under it by a far higher percentage than this jewish filth the world is dealing with now.
Incel is another word for "casualty" of the jewish feminist menace. If you're so moral, why are you attacking victims? Shouldn't your moral world view and "diversity" include rescuing the fallen?

Get the ever loving hell out of my time line you kike kissing commie slaver faggot.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
🔥 1
Alert: Traumatized conservative here.
@locagainstwallA typical inhuman unsympathetic answer from an inhuman golem.
The way to destroy a golem is to remove one letter from it's forehead so it reads death instead of life. There are those who may assist you with that body modification if you so choose.
Spoiler: Nazi "argumentation" with memes
Christi Junior akkoma (AP)
@Grumblesock @LovecraftEnthusiast Still butthurt about the inability of communists to make a meme consisting of less than 10000 words?
The Orange pleroma (AP)

@ChristiJunior @Grumblesock @LovecraftEnthusiast lmfao

This is particularly funny because he's only helping the meme in the reduction of its own explanation

but boost 4 marckz tho srsly 4 reel

😆 1
:The stupid who don't understand nothing about #Marx
Christi Junior akkoma (AP)

@ripcordfire_0091 >The stupid who don't understand nothing about #Marx

You shouldn't express yourself like a retarded nigger baby the very moment you call other people stupid

2 1
of nothing pleroma (AP)
@LovecraftEnthusiast @Soma @ChristiJunior @haberdasher these kind of quotes are red meat, but they're very easy to dismiss. Che is praised for his revolutionary actions, and not his brains; meanwhile Marx is celebrated for his revolutionary thinking and not his actions (like keeping a maidservant for his entire life). So to hit them more directly you need to find offensive actions by Che, such as executing gay people, and you want offensive thoughts from Marx.
I am still waiting the mastered-and-so-easy-made-dismiss of that quote. You are only braggarts haha.
@LovecraftEnthusiast @ChristiJunior @Soma @haberdasher Che lost his religion when he tried to build that failed revolutionary movement in the Congo. The stark reality of niggerdom tends to have that effect, even on Communists.
No, es incorrecto por varias razones.
Las necesidades del consumo no determinan la produccion ( Teoria Objectiva del Valor de Ricardo ) sino que exactamente al reves, la produccion determina las variables de consumo ( Teoria del Valor Subjetivo de Menger ). O dicho de otra manera, no se puede consumir aquello que primero no ha sido producido. El tipo mas borracho del mundo va a ser a todos efectos practicos un abstemio si nadie invierte en cultivar las uvas o la cebada para luego procesarlas y crear el vino o la cerveza que el borracho tanto "necesita". Asimismo, nadie va a invertir en cultivar o producir alcohol si resulta que vive en una comunidad de abstemios.
Asi que ya desde el vamos, la hipotesis te Marx es incorrecta.
En segundo lugar, las habilidades necesarias para el desempeño de actividades en la poblacion del campo y de la ciudad son diferentes, porque los requerimientos de las productoras de bienes y servicios son diferentes en cada caso. El tipo de habilidades necesarias para el desarrolo agropecuario o el de industria pesada ( tipico de zonas rurales ) es muy diferente al tipo de habilidades necesarias para actividades bancarias o comerciales ( mas tipico de las ciudades ). Por tanto, querer comparar una con otra es caer en una falsa equivalencia dado que los parametros que determinan el crecimiento economico de una no son aplicables a la otra. Es decir, es un sinsentido tratar de comparar la "concentracion de capital" de las personas de zonas rurales con las de zonas de ciudad.
🔥 1
I don't know what are you talking about, a was peacefully reading marx, sharing some thoughts of one of his earlier works, and surprisingly a bunch of bonehead unflavored nazis come and say to me that this is incorrect (without context, without citing the same work). The world now is so absurd because of you incels-haters fascists.
I just gave quite a long argument about why he was wrong.
But for further references, refer to Karl Popper's analysis of the hypothesis of Marxism.
With a macheteado spanish, thenk yiu so much, tis is my smached inglich.
No me extraña que digas eso.
Pero bue, alla vos, pibe, si queres pensar que mi español esta "macheteado" es tu quilombo, no el mio.
A volar ratica libertaria, si algo te hace falta es teoría.

Ya me estaba preguntando cuando ibas a empezar con los Ad Hominems , pero bueno, todo el mundo sabe en que momento preciso alguien empieza a usar Ad Hominems para defender sus "argumentos"

> si algo te hace falta es teoría.

Que comentario de lo mas interesante, podria decirse que es un "self own" de lo mas espectacular. Veras, el problema de la teoria Marxismo es que no es mas que eso una teoria, y ni siquiera una teoria bien conformada, dado que la mayoria de sus hipotesis son infalseables y las pocas hipotesis falseables que tiene ya se ha demostrado que son falsas por el evidencia empirica. Que quiero decir con esto ? Que el Marxismo no refleja la realidad, es solo atgumentos teorios de una ilusion utopianista que nunca se ha concretado ni nunca se concretara , por eso decir "El verdadero Comunismo nunca se ha intentado" es un sinsentido, o mejor dicho una falacia de apelacion especial , simplemente estan diciendo que como la Naturaleza Humana prohibe las consecuencias te la Teoria Marxista ( alias "el fin de la historia" ) entonces es porque "no se implemento bien el Comunismo". Es un delirio, es la completa inversion de la forma en que funciona una teoria. Como decia Richard Feynman, "no importa cuan linda sea tu teoria, no importa cuan inteligente sea quien haya creado la teoria, no importa cuanta gente apoye esa teoria, si las predicciones de la teoria no se condicen con los resultados observados, la teoria ESTA MAL, SENCIALLAMENTE, ESTA MAL!".

Reposting the english translation for @ChristiJunior amusement

"I was already wondering when you were going to start with the Ad Hominems, but well, everyone knows precisely when someone begins to use Ad Hominems to defend their 'arguments.'

If something is lacking, it's theory.

What an interesting comment, one could say it's a spectacular 'self-own.' You see, the problem with Marxist theory is just that, a theory, and not even a well-formed one, given that most of its hypotheses are unfalsifiable, and the few falsifiable ones have already been proven false by empirical evidence. What do I mean by this? Marxism does not reflect reality; it's merely theoretical arguments of a utopian illusion that has never materialized and will never materialize. Therefore, saying 'True Communism has never been attempted' is nonsense, or rather, a fallacy of special pleading. They are simply stating that since Human Nature prohibits the consequences of Marxist theory (alias 'the end of history'), it's because 'Communism wasn't implemented properly.' It's a delusion, a complete inversion of how a theory works. As Richard Feynman said, 'No matter how beautiful your theory is, no matter how intelligent the person who created the theory is, no matter how many people support that theory, if the predictions of the theory do not align with the observed results, the theory IS WRONG, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!'"

:The guy who believes all the internet rumours
demitasse pleroma (AP)
this faggot is posting kike marx quotes like they are profound even though communism is jewish and has allowed jew to loot every nation where it has been tried and genocide the goyim when they run out of stuff for kike to steal
2 😮 1

Still crying in fatglish?

Edit: As far as I can see, gringoes can cry continuously for at least 12 hours without rest.

Come and kill me teenager rat.
demitasse pleroma (AP)
@Frondeur i don't have to have to faggot, you'll either anhero or wither away from aids
🔥 1
Sun McNukes pleroma (AP)
Marx es cagada apestosa.

Tu vida es una cagada apestosa. Te recomiendo buscar novia urgentemente.

Incels del mundo, uníos!

#Marxwasright #Marx

Sun McNukes pleroma (AP)
ya hasta me reproduje, mandilón. Bótate ALV, bolchevique inmundo.
pobrecita ella, diosito se apiade de ella.
Sun McNukes pleroma (AP)
¿Muy revolucionario zurdo y hablando del Dios cristiano? Rebotas de pendejo, larpero.
resultaste más izquierdista que la izquierda pidiendome la izquierda que me falta. Ya te estoy quitanto lo pendejo y nazi.
@SunMcNukes Con razon el zurdaje no puede hacer memes, estas demostrando una total falta de humor, y especialmente de humor sarcastico.
El meme es genial, es muy divertido de hecho, dado que en todos y cada uno de los gobiernos comunistas los "proletarios" ( alias, los siervos de la "comunidad" ) han sufrido del hambre mientras los "comisarios" ( alias, los representates de dicha "comunidad" ) han vivido vidas lujosas y exhuberantes. EN TODOS Y CADA UNO DE LOS EXPERIMENTOS COMUNISTAS HA OCURRIDO ESTO ( y por cierto, economicamente hablando China giro hacia un fascismo economico alias "acuerdo publico-privado" luego de la muerte de Mao Zhedong, asi que no vale usar la China actual como "contrajemplo" ). Si queres un buen ejemplo de comunismo actual, ahi la tenes a la Venezuela de Chavez y Maduro.
Sun McNukes pleroma (AP)
para tu información soy oficialmente post izquierda pero no estás listo para esa conversación.
I have to be thankful because it was only 1 day the time that took to nazis show themselves and for me to block every stupid of those very quickly