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🧵@Upwork restricts accounts of users with billing address in #. That's backside of # and other bullshit, as expected. Ironically, that this company began to pay # in Russia in 2018, conducted its seminars, etc. Trying to fit into the "legal" framework of the regime
Als Antwort auf Aleksandr ''M.O.Z.G'' Dikov

I remember my first conflict with them in 2017. They found that I used #, and began to threaten to suspend my account right in the middle of the project. And since I have no property in #, it was a problem for me to send them documents satisfying them.
Als Antwort auf Aleksandr ''M.O.Z.G'' Dikov

All of this continues the policy of establishing control over the Internet. Business says, you should be relocated to another country and provide us with documents. To another "good" country? May I move to Somalia? This is a good enough country to sell digital content from there?
Als Antwort auf Aleksandr ''M.O.Z.G'' Dikov

Situation around Ukraine is only an excuse. Should the digital content market depend on the territorial conflicts of certain countries? Today Russia and Ukraine there, tomorrow India and Pakistan. So what? Throw everything, сhoose someone's side, swear allegiance?🤪
Als Antwort auf Aleksandr ''M.O.Z.G'' Dikov

That is! All these actions of platforms like UpWork or CGTrader only undermine confidence in general. We works in the Internet not to "find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time" once.

@mironov_fm последние 9 лет живу в Испании, из них 8 лет работала на upwork и налог платила в 🇪🇸, плюс отдала ~25000$ за 8 лет «upwork fee”, и в связи с болезнью близкого 4 мес. нахожусь в рф, сегодня пришло письмо что меня апворк отключит с 15 июня. ненавижу теперь больше апворк чем путина