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Definitely do not go to these websites to get free study books. Also, don't go to https://12ft.io/ to unlock paywalls.

libgen.is, pk1lib.org, ethos.bl.uk, sabaq.pk, sci-hub.se, archive.org, lej4learning.com.pk, pdfdrive.com, unpaywall.org

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Als Antwort auf Fox


There's this dangerous open source code I need to warn you people against. There are so-called Microsoft Activation Scripts capable of activating Microsoft Windows and Office without a license key which I must heavily warn against. The pain programs like these evoke in me torrent into my body every time I hear about them! As a cybersecurity researcher it is important for me that the software industry stays alive, especially big tech such as Microsoft who built the foundation of our electronic frontier when it comes to develognument.

Als Antwort auf Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@ErikUden No really, you should(n't) use that MS Malware Shite.
But if you need that chastisement, you should *NOT* pirate it, but support those poor souls at MS.


Als Antwort auf Fox

I totally didn't use annas-archive.org for getting otherwise unobtainable literature for my bachelor thesis. Why would anyone even think of doing something like that?
Als Antwort auf Fox

Thank you very much. I had completely forgotten the name of the sites and plugins I totally should avoid at all cost. You just saved me from accidentally making a huuuge mistake and freely accessing knowledge!

While we're at it, as an anime fan, I highly recommend you stay far away from https://nyaa.si so that all the animators and translators can be paid for their work instead of lining up the pockets of the rich producers and investors. Because we know that legal sites always benefits the grunt workers the most and don't overwork them. You should definitely not protest them by torrenting your anime from the listed site who don't profit off of other people's work because that would be very immoral and not good.

Als Antwort auf Reina :anarchy_heart:

Thanks for the heads-up! It would be a shame if one would send a donation to the artist directly instead of lining the pockets of producers and investors!