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that's where you are wrong kiddo meme

Unless you are part of a hosting company trying to sell server space, which according to the homepage of communick.news maybe you are, we don't need a marketing hat on. What you are calling "success" has 0 impact on the actual mission of lemmy.

Charity should come from the heart, not the state.

Taxation may help feed the poor, but it also funds their oppression. It may fund shelters but it also pays for unjust incarceration.

Voluntary aid frees you from supporting evil when you mean well. Give freely, live freely.

The (Mises-supported version) of the Libertarian Party of Michigan has apparently started having trials to kick out members who sided with the other affiliate in the dispute over who is the rightful affiliate, requiring that those on trial show why they shouldn’t be kicked out.

!Friendica Developers BUG REPORT -> profile I'm already following has a button for SUBMIT REQUEST to CONECT/FOLLOW when button pressed, error message makes no sense

And this week I noticed my #duckduckgo browser extension, as well as the #Android / #linux app, stopped giving me an option to "generate email address" Any familiar with what's going on with this awesome service? #email #itWorksLikeEmail

@DuckDuckGo Well, I figured eventually places would stop letting you register with an @duck.com address, but I didn't think the first place I encountered it would be WordPress, and certainly not somewhere "Connecting radical people. Non commercial, antifascist, antisexist, privacy-oriented blog platform." noblogs.com @DuckDuckGo

@DuckDuckGo Well, I figured eventually places would stop letting you register with an @duck.com address, but I didn't think the first place I encountered it would be WordPress, and certainly not somewhere "Connecting radical people. Non commercial, antifascist, antisexist, privacy-oriented blog platform." noblogs.com @DuckDuckGo