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Aus dem Buche #fckafd:

[1]"Und es begab sich zu einer Zeit, als sich im Abendland, nach zwei erfolglosen Weltkriegs-Vizemeister-Titeln, neuer asozialer Bodensatz auftat und den geistig Minderbemittelten das (Sieg-)Heil 2.0 versprach.

[2] Ihre "Vereinsfarbe" war blau, wie die körperliche Verfassung ihrer Anhänger am Wahltag ihres Verderbens. Ein rotes Phallussymbol sollte Steherqualitäten symbolisieren, tatsächlich aber nur den unkontrollierten Harndrang deren z.T. vergreisten Führern kaschieren.

[3] Sie liefen ziellos umher und verbreiteten phantasievolle Botschaften von Hass, Hetze und der Leugnung von millionenfachem Mord oder wissenschaftlichen Fakten in Pandemiefragen. Sie beteten Satan an und flehten um abendländische Menschenopfer, verursacht durch Extremisten anderer Glaubensrichtungen im Religions-Business.

[4] Ihre Propheten nannten sie u. a. NeverforgetFicki, Höcke, Tim K., von Storch oder Weidel. Allesamt Nachgeburten der Schlange, die im großen Märchenbuch des Christentums erstmals genannt wurde.

[5] Und dieses Pack erbittet nunmehr "Gottes" Hilfe, wenn es darum geht, die ostdeutschen Kolonien des Abendlandes endgültig mit brauner Gülle zu überziehen?

[6] Eine Partei der Sünde erfleht Unterstützung von einer imaginären Instanz, deren Existenz auf einer mündlich überlieferten Flüsterpost- Geschichtensammlung basiert und unzählige Menschen ins Verderben geschickt hat. Und so kommt zusammen, was zusammen gehört.

[7] Was die AfD und die Anhänger aller Religionen vereint, ist der Glaube ihrer Mitglieder. Ein intelligenter Mensch mag gern auch glauben, was er für sich als glaubenswürdig erachtet, denn er weiß um die Fakten und ja, Maria wurde ganz sicher nicht unbefleckt schwanger, womit bewiesen wäre, dass Josef ein gehörnter ldiot war.

[8] Ein ungebildeter, mit sich und seinem Leben unzufriedener Versager, der seinen Selbsthass auf andere projeziert, wird gern jede Scheiße unreflektiert glauben, denn Wissen erfordert die Bereitschaft sich bilden zu wollen. Hassen erfordert nur die Bereitschaft ein Arschloch sein zu wollen. Und die AfD hasst!

[9] Sollte es tatsächlich eine Instanz geben, die wahrhaftig und gerecht ist, so möge sie dafür sorgen, dass bei allen bevorstehenden Wahlen die hasserfülten und fehlgeleiteten AfD-Wähler am Wahltag von einem Dünnschiss intergalaktischen Ausmaßes befallen werden und der es ihnen unmöglich macht, die Wahlurne zu erreichen ohne auf dem Weg dorthin mehrmals in die Unterbüx gekackt zu haben. Einhergehen sollte diese Aktion mit einer weltweiten Toilettenpapierknappheit.

[10] So soll es geschehen."

Zitat von Admin A - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0wANC7DWefgcNBhb6nfRnn4qaUodBg7VRcDNRmfSZezL2V9fQRw9LD3MmGy89Sw45l&id=10006381615561

#fckafdp #FCKNZS #fcknazis #AfD #HetzeistkeineMeinung #HassIstKeineMeinung #fckPopulismus #politik

"The Absent Echoes: A Cautionary Tale of Escapism and Awakening" - a ChatGPT Story

Once upon a time, in a world plagued by bitterness and strife, there existed a society heavily reliant on the wonders of entertainment media. People sought solace in the realms of anime, manga, fictional literature, and video games, finding refuge from the harsh realities that surrounded them. But alas, this refuge was destined to be cruelly snatched away.

In this grim and dystopian world, the sun rose on a fateful day when all forms of entertainment media vanished without a trace. The world woke to a void, a vast emptiness that pierced the hearts of the population. The absence of their beloved distractions sent shockwaves through society, stirring emotions far more potent than anyone could have anticipated.

Ordinary housewives, workers, and people from all walks of life were thrust into a stark reality they could no longer escape. The comforting glow of their television screens was replaced with darkness, and the familiar stories that had provided solace vanished into thin air. The virtual worlds they once inhabited through video games were now mere figments of their memories.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, the effects of this sudden deprivation began to unravel the fabric of society. The once vibrant streets were replaced by desolate echoes, devoid of laughter and joy. Faces that once beamed with anticipation were now etched with sorrow and longing.

The absence of entertainment media exacerbated the pre-existing rifts that had divided the populace. The deep-rooted tensions within society were now laid bare, raw and exposed. Without the common ground of shared narratives and fictional universes, the fractures widened, and the divisions grew deeper. People sought alternative means to escape their grim reality, but with no avenues available, their frustration turned to anger.

In this desperate atmosphere, a new kind of rebellion emerged. Disgruntled individuals, their spirits scarred by the absence of entertainment, banded together to challenge the oppressive forces that had deprived them of their escapism. They refused to succumb to a reality they could no longer bear.

Through their unity, these rebels found solace not in fabricated tales but in the strength of their shared resolve. They marched through the desolate streets, demanding the return of their beloved diversions, demanding an end to the desolation that plagued their lives.

As the rebellion grew, so did the awareness of the wider world beyond their own borders. News of their plight spread, resonating with those who had experienced similar loss. The uprising against the absence of entertainment media became a symbol of resistance, a rallying cry for those yearning for an escape from their own oppressive realities.

But as the rebels fought for their cause, they soon discovered that the absence of entertainment media had left a void that could not be easily filled. They realized that while such distractions were an outlet, they were also a mirror reflecting the flaws and injustices of the world they sought to escape.

Through their struggle, the rebels began to uncover a deeper truth—one that had been hidden beneath the veneer of entertainment. They realized that true change and solace could only come from within, from addressing the root causes of their societal strife.

And so, amidst the chaos and the absence of their cherished entertainment, the rebels embarked on a journey of self-discovery. They sought to mend the divisions that had torn society apart, to confront the injustices that had festered in the shadows. In doing so, they found that their true strength lay not in the distractions they had lost but in the resilience and unity they had discovered along the way.

As the story of this desolate world unfolds, it serves as a cautionary tale for young people. It warns of the dangers of becoming too dependent on escapism, of allowing fictional worlds to overshadow the pressing issues of reality. It urges them to face the challenges before them with courage, to seek change in their own lives and society rather than escaping into the realms of imagination.

The sudden absence of entertainment media in this dystopian society forced individuals to confront the harsh realities they had long ignored. It highlighted the need to address social divides, inequalities, and injustices that had been festering beneath the surface. The story reminds young people that while entertainment can provide temporary relief, it should not serve as a substitute for actively engaging with the problems around them.

By stripping away the distractions, the story reveals the true power of human resilience, unity, and the pursuit of meaningful change. It teaches young people to be critical thinkers, to question the world they inhabit, and to actively participate in shaping their own future.

Rather than escaping into fictional worlds, the youth are encouraged to channel their energy and passion into constructive action. They are reminded that their voices matter, that they have the power to challenge oppressive systems and effect positive change. The story emphasizes the importance of social awareness, empathy, and active citizenship.

Ultimately, the absence of entertainment media becomes a catalyst for growth and transformation. It compels young people to look beyond the surface and recognize the underlying issues that contribute to societal tensions. It instills in them the belief that even in the face of adversity, they can be agents of change.

Thus, the cautionary tale serves as a powerful reminder that while the allure of escapism may be tempting, true fulfillment and progress lie in facing reality head-on. Young people are urged to find the balance between enjoying entertainment and actively engaging with the world, to seek solutions rather than retreating from the challenges they face.

In this dystopian narrative, the absence of entertainment media becomes a turning point, igniting a fire within the hearts of the young generation. They emerge from the shadows of fictional worlds, ready to reshape their reality, and create a society where escapism is no longer a necessity but a choice.

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