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AI Predictions Comes True

Last week, I had a fascinating conversation with a Russian trader from Khabarovsk, and we delved into the concerns of economists regarding the upcoming meeting of the Central #Bank of #Russia, which took place on September 15th. This meeting carries even more weight as it occurs in the second year since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian #war. The big question on everyone's minds was whether there would be an interest rate hike, and if so, by how much?

To add a twist to the tale, I decided to turn to the power of #ArtificialIntelligence. You can find this historic dialogue we had on the link here. It's in Russian, but I have faith in you, my fellow kittens!

During our conversation with AI, we asked it to provide probability estimates for an interest rate hike ranging from 0% to 3%, in half-point increments.

We focused on recent factors like the weakening of the ruble, the lifting of currency purchase restrictions, and the frozen funds in India. Here's what the AI forecasted:

  • 0.5% increase: around 25% probability
  • 1% increase: around 35% probability
  • 1.5% increase: around 20% probability
  • 2% increase: around 10% probability
  • 2.5% increase: around 5% probability
  • 3% increase: around 5% probability

But fast-forward to today, September 15th, and do you guess what? The prediction turned out to be true!
The Central #Bank actually increased the key interest rate from 12% to 13%, exactly by 1%.

Now, of course, some economists might dismiss this as mere coincidence. But hey, it's still more reliable than reading tea leaves!

Who knows, maybe the Central #Bank even consulted #AI in their decision-making process. #Russia can be quite a peculiar place these days, and anything is possible. In fact, last year, some leading propaganda media even published various forecasts about the ##war and interviewed #ChatGPT.

So, my fellow kittens, why not embrace the future and start using AI today? Who knows what exciting discoveries lie ahead!

#Finance #AI #Audio #Economics