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RSS → Mastodon Bot with Feediverse

How to create an RSS → Mastodon Bot with Feediverse

This guide is for Ubuntu/Linux Mint, other Distros will have different package names / installation commands.

1. Installation

First, install Python 3 and its pip packet manager:
sudo apt install python3-pip

Then we'll install some Python packages (these are the packages listed in Feediverse's setup.py):
pip3 install beautifulsoup4 feedparser mastodon.py python-dateutil pyyaml

We will use my Feediverse fork at github.com/gunchleoc/feediverse because I have added some features there.

EIther git clone the project or just download feediverse.py. For the rest of this guide, I will assume that you copied the file to your home directory.

Open a Terminal in your home directory. Mark feediverse.py as executable by running
sudo chmod +x feediverse.py

2. Configuration

In order to be able to write to your Mastodon account, you will need an access token. Log into your Mastodon account and visit Settings > Development. Click on the New application button.

- Fill in the Application name, e.g. feediverse
- Application website is optional
- Leave the Redirect URI as it is
- In the Scopes section, uncheck everything except for write
- Click Submit

You will now see your new application listed. Click on it to reveal its data.

Leave the browser tab open and return to the Terminal. Call Feediverse with the command:

On first run, Feediverse will ask you for some information. Fill it out:

- What is your Mastodon Instance URL? https://name-of-your-instance.social
- Do you have your app credentials already? [y/n] y

The information from the application that you just created for your Mastodon account is next. Copy and paste it from your browser:

- What is your app's client id: Client key
- What is your client secret: Client secret
- access_token: Your access token

Now we enter the data source:

- RSS/Atom feed URL to watch: Enter the full URL. For Twitter bots, you can use https://nitter.net/your-twitter-handle/rss
- Shall already existing entries be tooted, too? [y/n] Answer as you like

You will now have a configuration file in your home directory called .feediverse. You may nee to switch on the display of hidden files to see it.

Now open the file in a text editor. It will look like this:
access_token: <Mastodon access token>
client_id: <Mastodon Client key>
client_secret: <Mastodon Client secret>
- template: '{title} {url}'
url: https://nitter.net/your-twitter-handle/rss
name: feediverse
time: updated
updated: '2022-06-19T22:57:11.731269+00:00'
url: https://name-of-your-instance.social
visibility: unlisted

You can now tweak the template according to what your RSS source provides. You can also adjust the visibility. Check out the Readme for more information.

In my bots, I like to spread the load over multiple Nitter servers by adding the following lines:
- source: https://nitter.net/
- text: https://nitter.net/
- text: https://nitter.sethforprivacy.com/
- text: https://nitter.pussthecat.org/
- text: https://nitter.nixnet.services/
- text: https://nitter.namazso.eu/
- text: https://bird.trom.tf/
- text: https://nitter.grimneko.de/
- text: https://nitter.mstdn.social/
- text: https://nitter.weiler.rocks/
- text: https://tw.artemislena.eu/
- text: https://de.nttr.stream/
- text: https://nitter.privacy.com.de/
- text: https://nitter.notraxx.ch/
- text: https://nitter.lunar.icu/
- text: https://nitter.tiekoetter.com/

For Twitter bots, the following template works well:
- template: "{title} {hashtags} \u2022 Source: {link}"

You can now make a dry run to test your configuration:
feediverse --dry-run --verbose

You can manipulate the date in the configuration file to get more posts from the past.

If you have multiple bots running, rename the configuration file and hand it to the program like this:
/home/<username>/feediverse.py -c /home/<username>/.feediverse_special_bot

3. Automation

I'm using cron to fetch the RSS regularly. Execute the following command:
crontab -e

Now add this line to pull every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * /home/<username>/feediverse.py -c /home/<username>/.feediverse_special_bot

If you want a different time interval, you can use crontab.cronhub.io to help you.

If you want to check whether cron has executed the program, run
grep "feediverse" /var/log/syslog

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GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

Instagram → Fediverse bot

How to cross-post from Instagram to Pixelfed or Mastodon

These instructions are for Debian-based Linux (including Ubuntu & Mint).

You will need an account at Instagram to access their API.

1. Obtaining the code

Open a terminal.

Install the Python programming language & the pip package manager:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Get the code by cloning https://github.com/Horhik/Instagram2Fedi

Install the dependencies listed in the requirements file:

cd Instagram2Fedi
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Running the bot

The bot will be permanently active once you start it.

So, instead of creating a cron job, I have wrapped the commands into a bash script and am running it as a systemd service.

Create a script file called insta2fedi.sh, then edit the file and paste in the code, adapting to your configuration:


sleep 1s

pushd /path/to/Instagram2Fedi/

# Unit: seconds
declare -i CHECK_INTERVAL=60*15
declare -i POST_INTERVAL=60*5


# Token from <pixelfed_server>/settings/developers

# If you are poshing to Mastodon, use --use-mastodon 4 for the media limit
./insta2fedi --use-docker false --instagram-user <insta_username_to_be_fetched> \
--instance <pixelfed_server> --token ${TOKEN} \
--user-name $INSTA_AUTH_USER --user-password $INSTA_AUTH_PASSWORD \
--use-mastodon 0 --fetch-count 3 --carousel-limit 20 \
--check-interval $CHECK_INTERVAL --post-interval $POST_INTERVAL &


# keep the systemd service running so that python scripts won't be killed
while true
sleep 1h

3. Automated startup

This is how you build the systemd service:

sudo <editor> /etc/systemd/system/insta2fedi.service

Paste this code into the editor, adapting the path to the script according to where you put it:

After=syslog.target network-online.target



Save it. Now adapt the access permissions for the service and the script in the terminal:

sudo chmod 640 /etc/systemd/system/insta2fedi.service
sudo chmod 744 ./insta2fedi.sh

Load the new service configuration into systemd:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

You should call this every time you make any changes.

You can inspect, start and stop the service with the following commands:

systemctl status insta2fedi.service
sudo systemctl start insta2fedi.service
sudo systemctl stop insta2fedi.service

Once you are happy with the results, you can set it to load automatically on system start:

sudo systemctl enable insta2fedi.service

More information about systemd services:


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GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

instructions for Iranians & to help Iranians connect to the internet

instructions for Iranians & to help Iranians connect to the internet, collected from the birdsite.

Includes information about Tor and messenger apps.

Anti Censorship Package

See comment below this post.

Conecting to the Internet with Tor

Instructions in Farsi for running Tor - Tor team reported that it is currently possible to connect to Tor via #Snowflake or some obfs4 bridges from Iran: https://forum.torproject.net/t/iran-circumventing-censorship-with-tor/4590

Tor Project website in Farsi: https://www.torproject.org/fa/

More Tor instructions if you are having problems connecting: https://forum.torproject.net/t/iran-circumventing-censorship-with-tor/4590

If you're on Android, you can use Orbot to connect to Tor: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android

Instructions in Farsi for configuring Tor bridges: https://bird.trom.tf/PasKoocheh/status/1574733911812358144 (or in Thread Reader App: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1574733911812358144.html)

Helping people to connect to Tor

If you live in a censorship-free country and want to help, install the https://snowflake.torproject.org extension into your browser. All it takes is a few mouse clicks. If you're on Microsoft Edge, pick the Chrome extension. Step-by-step instructions in German: https://opensocial.at/display/59c238fc-1263-2f74-cb3c-5f9002392194

If you want to run a Snowflake on Android, you can use Orbot (see link above).

Instant Messaging

For instant messaging, you can use Briar App https://briarproject.org on Android only

You can download Signal messenger by sending an e-mail to getsignal@signal.org ant they will automatically respond with a link directing you to the APK where you can download Signal for Android. Please note that this inbox is not monitored.

You will need to configure a proxy in order to use Signal. Send @GunChleoc a DM if you need a link to a Proxy #IRanASignalProxy. Instructions in Farsi: https://support.signal.org/hc/fa/articles/360056052052-%D9%BE%D8%B4%D8%AA%DB%8C%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%86%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D9%BE%D8%B1%D9%88%DA%A9%D8%B3%DB%8C

If you want to run a Signal Proxy for the people in Iran: https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/

File Sharing

File sharing via #Tor: https://onionshare.org/

#MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا امینی #اعتصابات سراسری #OpIran #Iran #IranRevoIution2022 #IranRevolution

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Als Antwort auf GunChleoc GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

Anti-Censorship Package from Anonymous

Ways to connect when authorities block services:
* Unblock YouTube grants you access to any blocked web page - https://m.proxfree.com
* Web Proxy — is an intermediate point between your computer and the needed website. - https://hidemy.name/en/
Snowstorm- Multi Hop VPN https://snowstorm.net
* Use ProxMate . This is a addons for webbrowser Mozilla Firefox or Chrome. - https://proxmate.me
* DNS provider that is open and democratic - https://www.opennic.org
* Android: Circumvent Internet restrictions with Tor -https://www.torproject.org/download/
* Android users-
* https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.psiphon3
* Apple users - http://download.cnet.com/Free-VPN-Onavo-Protect/3000-2064_4-75893697.html
* Google browser - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zenmate-vpn-best-cyber-se/fdcgdnkidjaadafnichfpabhfomcebme
* Firefox users - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/anonymox/
* List of DNS servers that can be used to avoid censorship - https://www.lifewire.com/free-and-public-dns-servers-2626062
* How Do I Change DNS Servers? - https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-change-dns-server-settings-2617979
* Tor Browser - https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en
* What is the Tor Browser? - https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en

In case it is needed: Dial up internet access VPN Jabber … http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/products/collateral/security/asa-5500-series-next-generation-firewalls/guide_c07-717020.pdf

Alternate DNS - https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Alternative_DNS/de

Stay Anonymous- https://www.whonix.org

General router DNS setup(recommended) - http://support.smartdnsproxy.com/customer/portal/articles/1558303-general-router-dns-setup-smart-dns-proxy

Express VPN https://www.expressvpn.com/support/vpn-setup/manual-config-for-dd-wrt-router-with-openvpn/

Anonymity Script- https://github.com/HiroshiManRise/anonym8

Secure your wifi- https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2409751,00.asp

Stop your internet provider from tracking you - http://www.pcworld.com/article/3184767/security/three-privacy-tools-that-block-your-internet-provider-from-tracking-you.html

VPN GATE client for linux - https://github.com/Dragon2fly/vpngate-with-proxy

TOR Bridges- https://bridges.torproject.org/

Virtual Machine for Linux- Oracle Virtual Box

For windows and Mac- https://www.virtualbox.org/


Sandbox- https://apkmodule.com/sand-box-mod-apk/

Communication apps
- Threema (Not FREE) - Android, iOS, WEB - https://threema.ch/
end-to-end encryption, can be operated completely anonymously, no need to disclose phone number, communications are not stored in any cloud storage
- Signal (FREE) - Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux - https://signal.org/download/
end-to-end encryption, cannot operate anonymously, requires a phone number
- Telegram (FREE) - Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux - https://telegram.org
does not have end-to-end encryption by default, requires a phone number, stores conversations in the cloud

-Element (FREE) Android, iOS, PC, Mac
Element lets you choose where your messages are stored, putting you in control of your data.

#MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا امینی #اعتصابات سراسری #OpIran #Iran #IranRevoIution2022 #IranRevolution
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Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt

Friendica translation questions

Dear @Friendica Developers

I am working on translating Friendica on Transifex. What is the best way to ask context questions or report source string bugs, do I open an issue on Transifex or GitHub, or do I post to this group?

I have also found a typo in the English source: countact -> contact



BTW the link to the translation instructions on https://friendi.ca/resources/contribute/ is dead - https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/develop/README.translate.md does not exist
Als Antwort auf GunChleoc Friendica Developers hat dies geteilt

I have reported the link bug at https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/11834

My other questions have been answered - it's more convenient for the development team to have source string bugs reported on GitHub. Do not report typos; only report i18n issues that prevent you from translating properly.

GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 13 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle so hard to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.

Als Antwort auf Low Quality Facts

You bet your girlfriend. Who were you making that bet with, and what do you get if you win?

Friendica Support hat dies geteilt

Install failed with Composer\Downloader\TransportException

!Friendica Support
I am trying to do a fresh install of Friendica 2023.04.

When I visit the home url, I get:

Vendor path not found. Please execute "bin/composer.phar --no-dev install" on the command line in the web root.

So, I ssh into the server and run it, but I get the following error:

$ bin/composer.phar --no-dev install
You are using Composer 1 which is deprecated. You should upgrade to Composer 2, see https://blog.packagist.com/deprecating-composer-1-support/
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies from lock file
Package operations: 35 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing npm-asset/cropperjs (1.2.2): Downloading (failed)
Downloading (failed)
Downloading (failed)

The "https://registry.npmjs.org/cropperjs/-/cropperjs-1.2.2.tgz" file could not be downloaded: allow_url_fopen must be enabled in php.ini (https:// wrapper is disabled in the server con
figuration by allow_url_fopen=0
Failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found)

phpinfo() lists allow_url_fopen as On

What can I do to fix this?

I'm on a CPanel managed server and don't have root rights. Linux Kernel version is "Linux 3.10.0-1160.88.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64" but I have no idea which distro. Doesn't seem to be Debian-based though.

PHP 8.1 (ea-php81)

Manually creating the config/local.config.php of course also didn't help, because that won't create the vendor path.

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag Friendica Support hat dies geteilt

Roland Häder
@Michael Vogel @GunChleoc Check it with $ php -i | grep "php.ini" and you know it for 100%.
Als Antwort auf Roland Häder Friendica Support hat dies geteilt

Thanks, that seems to be it. I have asked my webhost to change it, since I'm not a sudoer.

Die Filmemacher Jafar Panahi und Mohammad Rasoulof warnen: ihr Mitgefangener, der Aktivist #Hossein_Ronaghi ist seit etwa 50 Tagen im #Hungerstreik . Er braucht Hilfe und internationale Aufmerksamkeit!
iranjournal.org/news/panahi-ra… #IranProtests2022 #Iran #MahsaAmini #حسین_رونقی

If you're at Twitter and you've been invited back after they fired you in error, here's a chat with one of the managers there, the Senior Director of Engineering at Twitter, aka @LukeEvansSimon


Thank you so much everyone. Over 22,000 have now Re-followed me since last night. TOGETHER we can beat this weirdness on Twitter🙏


Twitter is now an insecure platform, haemmorhaging security experts. It could haemmorhage your DMs, through leak or sale.
It's no hard guarantee, but your best chance to delete them is with is with #GDPR rights. I've written a blog on how:

GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

Landed in Austin, Texas, US. Apx. flt. time 2 Hours : 38 Mins.

Reg: N628TS On Ground: True Alt: 0 Last Contact: 0:00:00.499511 Trigger: now on ground

Firmen, die aktuell auf Twitter Werbung schalten wie z.B. MediaMarkt erhalten aktuell einen "Offiziell"-Haken. Wir wollten testen, ob wir auch so ein Ding bekommen und haben ...


Don’t have $44 billion for your own social network? Try Mastodon. @JoannaStern’s guide to the decentralized platform that’s gaining attention following Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover. on.wsj.com/3GciFEy

Can't believe I thought Mastodon was going to be complicated. You sign up. You log in. You find people you know. You follow them. Done.

Bei allem Spaß: Es gibt gerade die reale Möglichkeit, dass #Twitter einfach technisch & personell zusammenbricht, dann sind deine Netzwerke weg. Deshalb ist es doppelt sinnvoll, dir einen #Mastodon Account anzulegen und den selben Leuten folgen. Wir sind auch schon da.

GunChleoc hat dies geteilt

we criticize hollywood for lazy tropes but our two main antagonists right now is a former kgb agent with a penchant for poisoning and an emerald mine heir who wants to live on mars. if these were bond villains they’d be dismissed as caricature

@kcunning @alicegoldfuss I don't understand: on both Twitter and Mastodon, things come into your timeline through the people you follow, who post or boost/retweet them. Depending on who you follow, both can be an echo chamber or a way to serendipitously discover things.

Ich lege mich fest: Es wird das #Fediverse. Wird ne Menge Arbeit und dauert natürlich noch Jahre, bis es so funktioniert wie Twitter.

Die Funktionalität von Twitter ist globale, systemrelevante Infrastruktur, das MUSS dezentral und nicht-kommerziell werden. Und wird es auch.

Nì mi àrdachadh air an Ailbhean an-diugh is mar sin dheth bithibh an dùil gum bi e sìos greis.

'S e a' chiad turas a nì mi sin is chan eil spùt agam dè cho fada 's a bheir e



Wir suchen eine Afghanin in Deutschland, die ein uneheliches Kind hat. Hintergrund ist die Behauptung einer deutschen Behörde, dass es sowas in Afghanistan nicht gäbe. Mit dieser Behauptung wird einer verfolgten Frau die Einreise verweigert. Bitte helft!

Lol: Twitter sent an HR email to every laid off employee acknowledging it's late getting people their separation agreements and release of claims. But the company messed up the BCC and it has become a reply-all catastrophe.

رژیم آخوندی با قطع اینترنت و یا اخلال جدی در آن در شهرهای مختلف #ایران سعی دارد از انتشار اخبار اعتراضات گسترده و افشای جنایات خود در منطقه جلوگیری کند.
#Internet4Iran را حمایت کنید و آن را در جریان #اعتراضات ایران و #انقلاب ایران قرار دهید #مهساامینی #مهسا_امینی #OpIran


Thèid deasbad Riaghaltas na h-Alba mu Ghàidhlig is Scots san àm ri teachd a chumail Dimàirt 15 Samhain aig 2f.

📺Coimhead beò: scottishparliament.tv

#gàidhlig #scotsleid #cleachdi


@kuehl_pack @lennimsg @Volksverpetzer Es gibt diverse Server würde mich wundern, wenn Wärmflasche überall weg wäre. Aber vielleicht wegen dem Umlaut?
Das ganze ist zugegeben verwirrend, weil dezentral. Ich muss auch jedes Mal schauen, wo ich mich angemeldet habe.

How to become “famous” in
Buy a “Russian” domain then
claim you hacked it
Then steal anyones work
and claim it’s yours

Shhhhh we aren’t supposed to
talk about this though bc it
looks bad
Sorry but without Truth there is
no Justice

In liberated Kherson, citizens place the EU flag next to the Ukrainian flag.

Never forget that they fight for our freedom too. One day soon, Ukraine will be a member of the European Union!🇪🇺🇺🇦


2/ Right now, Twitter is extremely hackable. That puts every user here at extreme risk for DM leaks, identity theft and surveillance.

Elon doesn’t care. He wants his money. So they resigned. And top lawyers told Twitter employees to get whistleblower protections.

1/ Just want to put this news in plain language for people.

Senior people at Twitter have resigned in the last 48 hours. We now now why. They said in private Slack channels that @elonmusk is so desperate to recoup his money, he’s taking crazy risks with YOUR privacy and safety.

Mich erreicht heute diese Nachricht.
"Nächste Woche soll etwas Schlimmes passieren. Darüber wird gerade geredet.Sie wollen die Morde von 2019 wiederholen. Das Regime hat Soldaten aus dem Irak geholt. Der Regimesprecher redet von Krieg."
Das Internet soll ganz abgeschaltet werden.